Legal profession
Employment law
Find out below what this entails or contact us to discuss how I can help you. I’m a VAAN employment law specialist and happy to assist you.

Employment law includes:
If talking and working together is no longer possible, dismissal seems to be inevitable. The process starts with a consultation and often ends with a termination agreement. If the latter fails, a decision needs to be forced through the court. In either event, I provide advice and support, both for employers and employees, as well as for government agencies, schools and civil servants.
If employers don’t have an HR organisation of their own, I can arrange or supervise a reorganisation from start to finish. Larger organisations with their own HR organisation or legal department ask me to critically assess a draft dismissal application as seen from the perspective of the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV). Based on my findings, the application will be adjusted, where necessary. It often turns out that more is possible than the employer had anticipated. Interim directors who need to act quickly are known to rely on me.
Acting as a sounding board for HR and managers
I like to update HR teams and managers about developments in employment law and about the do’s and don’ts. “How to deal with a dysfunctional employee?” is a common issue employers struggle with.
Drawing up and reviewing employment contracts
Things tend to go wrong when seeking standardisation. This is because every employee is unique. And whereas one employee is seeking maximum commitment, others want to maintain as much freedom as possible. In that instance, an alternative cooperation contract would perhaps be more appropriate. Directors and managers eager to enter into new contracts still want to be informed about the possibilities and consequences, in advance. And that’s where I come in, to provide clarity.
Employee participation/works council
Works councils are important consultative partners for an entrepreneur. Important plans must be submitted to the works council for approval or advice. It’s not always clear whether the entrepreneur is obliged to do so. This can cause friction and result in a potential deadlock. I help both entrepreneurs and works councils in determining their position.
Terms and conditions of employment
“Am I being paid fairly? ” “Aren’t we paying too much?” “Is my non-competition clause still valid?” “How do we sign that candidate, despite a non-competition clause?” “Do we have to offer an open-ended employment contract or are we legally permitted to extend the fixed-term contract once more?” “Can we adjust the terms of employment unilaterally?” These are just some random questions. I can help you find the answers.
Working conditions/Industrial accident
Sometimes, things go horribly wrong in the workplace. I try to prevent further damage or seek compensation for damage with the parties involved.